Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Redemption Unfolding part I

With all the events that are happening today in the world. We have to know that Hashem is for sure sweetening the judgments, for it were not so we would experience all of this terrible and fearful events all at once Hashem forbid. We are told that in these times our job is just to hang on. For those that can't well they will be swept away. Hashem forbid! (But these are not my words but the words of Chazal). 

So this begs the questions. Where is it safe? How can we make through? Who can we trust?  What do we hang on to?

The Tzaddikim of previous generations begged not to be alive for these times. They knew or saw the contractions they were aware of the suffering, that each relax would bring in the next contraction, with every release of shefa spiritual bounty 'compassion' brought an elongation to the Galus. We have to look past our desire to not suffer and know and believe that each and every thing we experiencing is only a manifestation of Hashem's unfathomable mercy. With each earthquake, and fiscal collapse, He is showing us great mercy. We for are part need to be very thankful for these events and realize that He is showing us His control over every single event even down to the minuteness detail. 

So on to the questions. 

Where is it safe?  The Torah is not just a story or history book it is not that. What it is, is a guide book for every generations to follow, to hold on to, it is the one constant through out all of history. The Torah of truth is the only source we can trust, for we see with our eyes and hear with our ears the sheker (lies) of the world today, all is truly vanity. It is has all become Insanity, the heresy of the world today is so overwhelming. And there is only one thing to do! Chazal tells us that the safest place will be only the land of Israel. I'm not a Zionist. In the time of Noach the only place that was unaffected by the flood was the land of Israel. (look in the Zohar and Midrashim the Alshich Hakodesh for example, and many other places you'll find it there.) So as it is today the least effected area will be in the holy land. And in the holy land, the triangle between Beit El, Hebron and Beersheva, will offer the most safety. Where the our Avos (our forefathers) lived seems to offer the best protection. But ultimately it will only inside the words of our great sages, to find ourselves in the Torah, and that is where we will find our safety and security.

 The Eitzah: My advice is the advice of the sages.  Rebbe Nachman, speaks of this extensively, if we follow the zack of the Rebbe we will then find Yeshuv HaDaas, (a settled of mind and spirit), and from here we will know what and when to do. But how, Reb Nesnael, first runaway, steel way time to spent in the presence of Hashem. Steel time to learn Torah and to find quietness from within the source of all. 

The Torah! It was the blueprint that Hashem used to build the world, all the answers are found within it. We only have to search for them with a full heart, and there we will find them. Turn our eyes away from evil, close our ears to the sheker. Keep our eyes on the truth for the lie will sweep us away like a flood. It is written that in the last days "there will be flood upon the earth, but not a flood of water but a flood of Heresy", we are witnessing this today a flood of a literal insanity and sheker, of heresy and deep delusion, so great we were told not to even look up at it, "for he who shall, will be swept away with it." OY!

How to make it through? 
 In the marines we had S.O.P.'s standard operating procedures, they were always simple, easy to remember and easy to follow the same is true here. Remember there is a way and a plan lain down by our sages. Rebbe was straight with us he said many times serve Hashem with simplicity.
So I tell you again keep it simple. Like any disaster preparedness plan keep it simple. 

KEEP YOUR EYES IN AND ON THE TRUTH! The Torah again is the answer, do not look up from it day and night. 
DO NOT LISTEN TO SHEKER! Listen to and attune your ears only to the words of the holy sages of yore.
GUARD YOUR TONGUES FROM SPREADING FALSE HOOD! Be very careful not to speak or spread negativity. This anti Emunah and destroys hope, this is forbidden. Also never ever let a word of complaint escape your lips this is the most destructive of all forces as it shows you really do not believe in Hashem. I was the sole cause of us having to prolong our stay in the midbar, and thus it is the main reason we are in the galus today.   
DOING UNRESTRICTED ACTS OF KINDNESS!  The sages tell us we can soften the judgments in these times by increasing you chessed. By doing acts of kindness we prove that we are children of Avraham, and demonstrate that we are Hashem's people.
Who can we trust? Only our father in heaven, and His Torah and His holy Tzaddikim. For we are told that He consulted the Torah and the soul of the Tzaddik HaEmes before He made the world.

What do we hang on to? We have our faith, and the direction of the Tzadik HaEmes, He promised to rectify everything, He told Hashem that he would be the Orev (the guarantor). When Hashem thought to make man the holy angles came and said "what are you doing don't you know man will turn on you, and disobey your laws" He thought to relent, and the soul of the Tzadik HaEmes the 'Mosiach' stepped forward and said "I'll be the Orev"! So Hashem made man with all his faults, and we are told it is from this very soul, that will come the Righteous Redeemer. Moshe Rebbenu z''l was an aspect of this very same soul as will be the Moshiach, may he come soon in our days. 

So take heart and know we are in a long line of hopeful people, the sons of righteous man who also waited as we wait. And know we can make it for a day no matter how hard it might seem, it's only a day away.   

Practical steps one might take in these trying times. there are no political, financial,military, medical nor psychological solutions to spiritual problems, not withstanding there are physical steps to help you as well. "Liquidate your American and European holdings and move as fast as you can to Israel. Time is very short now and the spiritual projection is being removed in slow motion from the lands of the nations, 'this doesn't mean you can dismiss it all together' it means Hashem is giving you time to flee, like LOT, in the parsha. OK so the writing is on the wall and you just need to without panic, arrange everything and get on the plane and come home "this is my opinion, take it or leave it I'm not navi, just a concerned person wanting with all my heart to help"
The merit of the nations ran out this last Rosh Hashanah, 5772. The year תשע''א  was the spiritually the year of Hashanah Rabba and with it's close, the merit of the nations was used up, so now those out side of Israel will now start to feel uncomfortable. When the judgment is carried out by an agent, and not Hashem, then the righteous suffer with the unrighteous, this is a klal of Torah, Zohar parshas Noach. You are on borrowed time outside the land. 

This year תשע''ב is he spiritual year of shemini atzeres. Thus is a year for the Jews of the land to rejoice,may it be a year full of simcha and blessing, and may we merit to over come all the negative decrees issued against us.

Rebbe Nachman's teaching are a guide to these perplexing times and if with follow the Eitzah (advice) of the Rebbe then we will have an advantage over the others who will fleeing in panic. We can rest assured that we this advice is sound.

This just might be the day of our yearning, so look up by happy for the signs are everywhere and be joyful for every Jew has a place in Olam Haba!

Blessings Reb Nesanel Levi