Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Our Iron Dome

I heard this from Rav Aaharon Yaskil

Here is something very interesting. The sum total of the numbers of chapters of Tihillim in Tikun Haklali are the words "Iron dome" in Hebrew "kipa barzel" 
This is inclusive repair or if you will total spiritual repair given to us by Rebbe Nachman of Breslov. They are the following perakim of Tehillim, verses of Psalms 16+32+ 41+ 42+ 59+ 77+ 90+ 105+ 137+ 150= 749.

Which equals 749 the sum total gematria of the words "kipa barzel" exactly! 
Our Iron dome is total Ruchniut! It is totally spiritual! For our weapons are not physical.
This is our protection! Please say them for Am Yisrael now!